Thursday, April 9, 2009

My interesting photo

Well here is the interesting image I have decided to use. Growing up with cows in the paddock has made me love cows and I really think this photo is cute. They cow obviously is very tame and enjoys peoples company. Which is better than any of our cows were, they ran at the first sight of humans. I love how when you look at this beautful cow you almost know what it is thinking. it has readable eyes.

The caption that this photo had on it said that the camera was licked more than once while the photos were being taken and that the cows repeatedly fogged up the lens. You can also see in the background there is another person taking the same sort of photo of another cow.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Kyles, here in the Beef Capital we are about to have Beef Week so we were tossing around ideas for library displays - I came up with Readerbull, a cartoon bull who points out books on interesting topics eg. edibull (cookbooks)
    buildabull (home renovations) paintabull readabull sewabull etc. etc.
    anyway just a few library cow puns to go with your lovely pic
